The Mayor-MoP Boris RAVIGNON visits …
… our classroom last May 2015.
Following the creation of the Audioguide App, Boris RAVIGNON wanted to see how this app works ! During one hour, the students explained the educational background of the app, and its final aim :
To share this app on the website of the city hall to be downloaded by tourists.
This meeting was rewarding for both students and teachers.

Charleville/Boris Ravignon visited The european class of the Lycée BAZIN. These students created an audioguide app running on Android devices.
From the left to the right, Mr GUENIOT (headmaster), Mr RAVIGNON (Mayor), Mrs MACRA (English Teacher), Johann, Florian, Mr HOUPERT (Maths Teacher), Mathis, Alexis.
2 articles were written in the local newspaper, putting highlights on this app and enhancing the motivation of the students !
- The daily Newspaper L’union
- The weekly Newspaper La semaine des Ardennes